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movie review - Men in Black II

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2021.10.03

This was another "movie night" viewing on Netflix. It is simply not a good movie. While the original was fresh and had a great origin story for the main character and introduced the general vibe that the alien residents on Earth are to some extent an uncontrollable bunch of ingrates (like the gaijin community in Tokyo, amirite), this one re-uses too many scenes and elements and the plot is marred by a bunch of stilted crap that shouldn't have been used. E.g. Having the supposedly stunningly beautiful underwear model villain stalking about in lingerie is .. dumb. Her henchman having two heads .. dumb. All the tentacles and the unlimited growth of the villain in plant form and so on and so on .. dumb. All the dumb is distracting.

Not recommended.

(Mercifully, it is however short.)

rand()m quote

There is no security upon this earth. There is only opportunity.

—Douglas MacArthur