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so long, LastPass

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2021.03.02

I've been using a password plugin in my browser called LastPass since who knows when. Easily a decade. They were 'acquired' by another company some years back and have recently taken to opt-out tactics on a change that requires that you choose between mobile and laptop service if you want to keep using the free version. I get that they might want to shake loose some long-time free users (I was a paid user for years, which somehow ended), but this seems a bit heavy-handed.

So I did a quick bit of DuckDuckGo work and found a replacement that has an unlimited free version and a "premium" version for $10/year (compared with LastPass's $30+). For storing passwords, this seems more reasonable. The replacement is called bitwarden and it seems a bit more user-friendly. It's also open-source. So thanks for the kick in the pants, LastPass, I've gone on to something better.

rand()m quote

We kill the cows to make jackets out of them, and then we kill each other for the jackets we made out of the cows.

—-Denis Leary