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a productive day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2020.11.22

I've discovered that I've been completely exhausted. I've been lapsing into hour-long naps at all times of day. No wonder our photo book was so full of errors this year!

Anyway, it took me until today, my third day off, to do much more than nap. I got my resume ship-shape and out the door to an "executive search" firm that had recently contacted Jon about a US-based firm that's setting up shop in Tokyo. I sorted out a relatively inexpensive replacement for my "beater" watch. I put out and took in the laundry, fed The Girl, did the dishes, watched an actually excellent leadership course, and then took The Girl by bike to a park that's about 4-5km from here.

After dinner we watched "the Matrix". Which was not productive. Modern TV's have such high dynamic range that all those old flicks (e.g. ET, which we watched last weekend) look like made-for-TV stuff, and low-rent versions at that.

rand()m quote

I dunno, Google is like a clown, many coloured and jolly, but it still gives me the creeps.

—Darkman, Walkin Dude