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first hurdle cleared

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kawasaki, 2020.04.08

I've surprised myself by diffusing the situation at work with my staffer who was on Monday evening was talking about going to a lawyer. I sent both stupid Monday-evening emails from HR and my staffer to my boss along with an impact assessment of what happens if I lose her (I even would have to decline managing the second team as demanded of me the day I joined the firm - oh noes) and then presented an option: I'll work with the woman to get her performance back to where it should have been; then we'll have her re-promoted to the same pay grade but a non-management position.

I guess he liked it because by end of day I heard my idea being parroted by HR. HR even innovated by suggesting that a mid-year promotion would be possible.

Everyone wins; the management team has flexed their muscles by putting her in the penalty box for a while, my staff gets her salary restored, HR has somewhat less blood-stained hands, my boss looks like he's resolved a problem (that he allowed to happen), and the projects I'm working on go ahead.

On the side, I've earned the trust of a staffer who would an absolute nightmare to have as an enemy. Ten years of institutional history, an unparalleled informal network, solid friendships with people in audit and risk management, and broadly speaking respect among the Japanese population that makes up 2/3 of the office. But also a relentless gossip who knows where all the bodies are buried.

rand()m quote

Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.

—-Dick Brandon