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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2020.02.05

In preparation for my departure I did our taxes today, though I can't submit them yet. To my amazement it looks like we're owed a refund: it turns out that my most "permanent" employer must have been taking off too much tax. This is a weight off my mind as I'd been expecting to pay rather a lot due to the self-employment part of my income. I cannot get my head around how little tax you pay when self-employed.

rand()m quote

I feel fortunate that I enjoyed the blandishments of modernity. I had hip replacement and root canal. I was able to travel on airplanes. I was able to take cheap food for granted. I went to the movies. I enjoyed rock 'n' roll. And now I'm ready to move on.

—James Howard Kunstler