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the trouble with mobile phones

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2020.11.23

One odd wrinkle has come up in our plans to switch to a low-cost phone provider. They don't support my beloved Nokia 6.1. Because of this screw-up (they sold us three accounts and didn't ask what phones we were bringing to the party) they're offering us a replacement, something called a Galaxy A 20 which appears to be a substantial downgrade. This wold mean that all three of us would have switched phones as part of this move to Japan.

We will now have an astounding seven fully working smart phones plus an old phone of Mari's that The Girl's been using to talk with her friends and watch videos since Mari dropped it in the toilet.

  1. My locked-down work phone, an aging iPhone 7 with a half-dead battery.
  2. My Nokia (from Canada).
  3. Mari's iPhone SE, brand new.
  4. Ken's iPhone SE, brand new.
  5. Mari's phone from Toronto.
  6. Ken's phone from Toronto.
  7. The spare from the Toronto telco.

I've proposed that I just use my work phone instead, I really don't want another crappy phone in my life. Or maybe I can use the spare.

But I suppose I could use my Nokia to teach the kids about modding stuff. The LineageOS guys have just released a version of Android 10 for my Nokia, so there's that.

rand()m quote

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

—Margaret Lee Runbeck