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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2020.10.11

For the first time in four days, it was not raining incessantly. I used the opportunity to take Ken over to Nishi-Kokubunji train station for the train to his school; he has a basketball tournament. It my first real ride of my bike with the bell and lights and handlebar grips from my Surly in Toronto. I had a custom frame made back in '06 or so, and it's so tall and light and compact. Together with the fantastic pavement (which allows me to ride 28mm tires instead of 38mm) and the light traffic, it's like being in heaven.

When I got back I took off again for a bike shop in the area that's a touch too far to visit on foot. I think I've found Ken's bike: it's got eight speeds and a touch more weight than he'd like but it's also capable of carrying a basket and 17kg of weight, which is about twice what his daily backpack carry comes to (believe it or not).

And last but certainly not least, Mari's dad was released from the hospital earlier than expected because he's bounced back from his surgery very quickly. This doesn't surprise me too much, he seems to be in pretty good shape. That's two surgeries in the family within a month!

rand()m quote

Jesus saves. But Gretzky gets the rebound and scores!

—G.B. Trudeau