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shopping for a TV but buying a fire extinguisher

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2020.09.19

Today we went out while Ken was at school. First, we cruised across the city center to visit the 6,000 square meter Yodobashi Akiba electronics store in Akihabara. There we (re-)learned the ropes of buying a flatscreen TV: VA vs IPS LCD, what kind of LED means what, etc. We also learned that we're not buying a TV right now due to the cost.

We returned to Kokubunji to meet The Boy and after a couple hours of all doing our thing Mari and I headed out to a local dry goods shop that turned out to be surprisingly good. We picked up a fire extinguisher and some other bric-a-brac. My "doing our thing" was rebuilding the brake and shifter systems on Mari's old bike. This was the first round, I still have to replace the tires and tubes, and then replace the cassette and chain.

rand()m quote

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

—Ernest Hemingway