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one horned, one eyed, flying

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2020.07.17

The Girl was at home today with me as The Boy and Mari were off for his entrance interview and exam for a private school. The Girl was listening to a song that faintly reminded me of something. I realized that it was "Flying Purple People Eater" and told her to look it up on Youtube. I told her, "It came out when Grandma was around your age."

She said, "Is it this?"

I said, "Yup."

I've noticed that Youtube's recommendation algorithms are hopelessly confused by the stuff I wind up searching for. A strange combination of guesses on "how to's" (e.g. how to open a can in a country without can openers!) and things I want to find for the kids and random music and economics stuff. Mwahahaha.

rand()m quote

Between the idea and the reality. Between the motion and the act. Falls the Shadow.

—T.S. Eliot