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pulse oximeter at last

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2020.06.23

This past Sunday I finally took possession of my pulse oximeter. The delivery guys are having some trouble finding the place because there are four buildings with the same "Okubo 2-25-2" address. This is a new (to me) wrinkle in the weird way that addresses are created in Tokyo. Because the streets have no names, addresses work by city block. When you're on the inside of a block where all the addresses are already doled out, and someone builds some new buildings, this seems to be what happens.

Anyway, my pulse is all over the place (I'm not convinced that a finger-tip reader is ideal for reading a pulse) but my blood oxygen is pretty good at around 95%.

I had originally ordered one of the things in mid-April but it simply never arrived thanks to the pandemic - the device I originally was being shipped from China. I then ordered this second one and while I had quite an irate delivery guy trying to ask me something I couldn't understand in Japanese thanks to the shared address, it's all over.

rand()m quote

Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is the bicycle repair kit.

—Billy Connolly