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a home with stuff

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kawasaki, 2020.04.28

Today a number of deliveries happened. First came some gluten-free bread. Most of that went in the freezer, but one loaf stayed out in wait.

Then my parcels from Canada arrived. I now have a bunch of things, some of which–like my rangefinder film camera, and my juggling balls–have been here before. Some, like my coffee mug, are new to this country. Also, some ill-timed things like a fingertip coat and medium-grade winter gloves that will now have to wait to see use.

And finally, a tiny but mighty toaster came just after five.

I'm happy to report that I've found one of the last month's orders of lentils to be particularly good. I think they're actually beans, but that's perhaps splitting hairs. Tonight I had my rice and (beans?) with a nice curry package, it was delicious. I happened to have placed this month's order this morning, so I'll have another month's carbs laid in by tomorrow for the princely sum of about $80-90.

rand()m quote

It's weird, man. People can watch a movie where thousands of people die in a war and not a tear. Yet one collie dies .. and the entire nation collapses with grief.

—Dr. Johnny Fever