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rumor and shortage

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2020.03.04

I'm preparing for tomorrow's trip. Tokyo's in the middle of TP shortages because some idiot on the Internet said that with all the paper mask production there'd be no TP so everyone's hoarding.


Apparently 70% of the working population of Tokyo is staying off the streets due to the order to shut the schools and avoid unnecessary traffic. A Toronto friend there reports that the crowding is down to TTC levels.

We've had quite a couple of busy days, we're both exhausted. Our efforts culminated in two boxes/40kg of stuff being shipped from Sanko on Queen W this afternoon and my having my bags packed into the car. And my phone number being transmuted in stages to a $3.50 hosting service out of MB that includes voice mail, call forwarding, text forwarding, etc. Split up the old "family plan" to make that happen, turns out we're now saving money over that plan (FFS). New duds for the office, some other random purchases, spending money like water. So it goes.

rand()m quote

When I was a teenager I was sure I'd be dead before I was thirty. Let's just say that I am well into some serious gravy time now but sometimes I wonder if I am actually dead and this is hell.

—anonymous blog comment