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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Nichinan, Miyazaki, 2019.12.20

Today I traveled from Tokyo to Miyazaki, where I met Mari and the kids. I packed everything up in my tiny B&B and dragged my bags through the city's bustling subway system. Juggling as many things as I was, including a heavy backpack, luggage on wheels, a coat, and my suit, something had to give.

I somehow lost the SIM from my Canadian phone, which I'd been carrying in my shirt pocket. I may have lost a fair amount of yen as well, though I'm not as sure. I was carrying the SIM in shirt pocket because I had nowhere secure to put it; they're so fragile! It was out of my phone in the first place because I was using a special short-term rental SIM for Japan.

Nichinan is wonderfully warm compared to Tokyo!

And Mari said that the kids, who squabbled the entire evening, had been on their best behavior when I wasn't around. I'm glad they did that for her, but it seems like something I'll never see if the criteria is that I'm not present?

rand()m quote

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

—Mark Twain