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starting up an old project

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2019.07.25

I've decided to resume the novel project I set aside eleven+ years ago when my son was born. I reckon I've learned a lot about writing in the intervening years, and that the work's still of good enough quality that I'd like to see it through. I spent countless hours on it from '01 through '08, and even worked with a pair of editors in succession over the years.

Maybe, once I'm done, I'll use the same e-commerce engine I'm using on my "professional" site to sell copies of my novel*.

So here goes nothing.

*Which, given my history of dismal results when it comes to making money, should come in once I enter that posthumously-famous period.

rand()m quote

What works good is better than what looks good because what works good lasts.

—Ray Eames