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riding rental bikes in Toronto

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2019.07.24

Today I rode a rental bike from Toronto's bike sharing service and thoroughly enjoyed it. Five of us from 32 Spokes met at the Victoria Park station at 7 PM and traipsed all around the southern half of the Beaches - East York area. Here's what I thought:

The only negative for me was the low handle-bar height. This is not a flaw in the design, I think the design hangs together very, very well. The problem is that I'm 197cm tall. Which, according to some site I found, puts me at the 99.84th percentile of adult Canadian males. I didn't actually know that until we were discussing the bikes after our ride, but it certainly explains why I don't fit things like rental bikes. Or office furniture. Or clothes from the rack. Or shoes, which I have to order from the 'States. So it's not really the bike's problem at all, but I found my lower back had a strange ache for 2-3 days so I won't be using the service regularly.

Outside of the bikes themselves, it took us three or four tries to actually rent the bikes, due to the odd purchasing system. But we worked it out!

All in all, we had a good experience. I'm very please the city is doing this!

rand()m quote

If anyone tells you all is lost or all is fine, just nod and move on and live in the middle where everything matters.

—Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin, Twitter