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deep sea fishing

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2018.07.13

Today I went deep-sea fishing for the first time, and caught some unfamiliar but delicious species. Akio, my father-in-law, knows a fellow who runs a fishing charter business. Summer is a bit of a tricky season for fishing on the Philippine Sea for a couple of reasons:

1. Typhoons.

2. The incessant heat.

So, our trip got bumped back from Tuesday to Wednesday by the wind and waves Kyushu was receiving as a result of a distant typhoon. We were bumped again to Thursday, but Thursday turned out to be a great day.

We set out shortly after six.

the boat

the boat

Passing some rocks

Passing some rocks

We'd learn that the sea bed is very rocky and I later read that we were far enough south for coral. It made for tricky fishing, at times. I'm sure the seabed is quite littered with old line and lures. Also, I note that the focus is a bit off with this pic - It might be camera shake from the boat's vibration, but I suspect that it's because I was still learning how to actually focus on infinity with a new lens that is oddly marked.

more rocks

more rocks

one of my father-in-law's fish

one of my father-in-law's fish

On the way back, I discovered that my hands had burned wherever the skin was exposed. Multiple applications of SPF30 aren't enough when you're fishing for hours under 32°C weather and clear skies! I had worn a wide-rimmed hat and dressed in long pants and wore both a shirt and a pair of stocking-like things for my fore-arms that I'd borrowed from my mother-in-law, and frankly felt a bit silly but seeing the results I'm very glad I took the effort. In Hosoda-san's blog it's apparent that many other clients felt the same way, going to some length to hide from the sun; others, however, wore t-shirts!

the old man and the sea

the old man and the sea

Hosoda-san, who runs the charter, maintains a blog, and for those who can read Japanese the link is here. I've stolen some of his photos:

rand()m quote

The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

—Marcus Tullius Cicero