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movie review - War Dogs

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2018.02.23

This is a movie about gun-running during the Bush administration and the massive orgy of mis-allocation of resources across the global "war on terror". It features two former middle-school friends who are re-united at a funeral and who make waves in the arms trade. Based on a true story, it feels like an honest look at a nasty business. It's got all the crime, double-dealing, greed, and viciousness you might imagine. I found it tonally consistent and it was clearly well-written and executed from beginning to end. I'm not quite convinced that the main character could have been as hard-working and fault-less as he is depicted, or that his partner (clearly an amoral indulgent psychopath) could possibly shoulder such a super-human amount of responsibility.


rand()m quote

The human capacity to ignore inconvenient facts and avoid unpleasantness is immense

—John Walker, from the Hacker's Diet