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privacy at Facebook

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2018.04.02

The recent flap about the Cambridge Analytica breach at Facebook has people talking about privacy issues pertaining to that website. A friend* sent me this recap on Facebook and Google privacy issues.

It highlights some of the issues that pertain to the stuff we knowingly give to the tech giants. It doesn't cover their surreptitious tracking of wifi networks, which has allowed them to map the world and now allows them to map our location, our habits, and our associations with other people in real time.

I'm all the happier that I "destroyed my account" on Facebook back in February.

(*Thanks to Martin, a former colleague from many years ago in Australia with whom I've maintained an increasingly concerned conversation on the state of affairs in technology.)

rand()m quote

A university is a collection of mutually repellent individuals held together only by a common interest in parking

—-George F. Will