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the neglected fountain pen

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.11.29

During the height of the craziness when I was doing my masters degree, my brother gave me a fountain pen. I seem to have set it aside in a pen-holder on my desk ever since. Some three years later, I've picked it up at last.

It had a lot of dried ink inside the nib and whatever you call the part that holds that. I was cleaning it and realized how much ink there really was still in the system. Took it to work to use through the day to use up the re-watered ink and it wrote all day. And it writes wonderfully! I've now picked up some ink cartridges, and have started writing letters. Woohoo!

rand()m quote

When I was a teenager I was sure I'd be dead before I was thirty. Let's just say that I am well into some serious gravy time now but sometimes I wonder if I am actually dead and this is hell.

—anonymous blog comment