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the boy has figured out the Easter bunny

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.04.17

A friend made a comment about hiding Easter eggs, within earshot of my son; this led to something unexpected.

First, of course: he demanded to know the truth. That led directly to the Tooth Fairy, and then Santa Claus. All as one might expect. But then he said, "So you bought the train set this Christmas? I'm only going to ask for cheap things from now on."

He's also vowed to help let his little sister enjoy her childhood believing in the magical aspect of it all.

And then, at dinner with two other families, he decided against sitting at the child's table (with five girls all under the age of seven) and ate the adult fare with the adults.

A big day for a nine year old.

rand()m quote

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

—Winston Churchill