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back in Toronto and vowing to do better

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.07.20

Having witnessed Ottawa's mature network of cycle lanes, my resolve is doubled to do something about Toronto's unsafe streets. We're living decades in the past, in this town, despite the transformation that's happening in transportation. Fewer young people are obtaining a drivers license. Electric vehicles are reducing the size and weight (not to mention the sound and fury) of cars, reducing at last the footprint of the single-occupant motor vehicle. Transit is rapidly improving in many way, but specifically in technology- and data-improved efficiency. And then there's driverless cars, which will enable many forms of sharing vehicles, greatly improve the safety of the roads, stabilize speeds, and allow us to eliminate lanes.

With our roads becoming less hostile to the users of lightest vehicles, the bicycle's going to become the preference for more and more people.

rand()m quote

The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

—Marcus Tullius Cicero