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farewell, SIRA board

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.03.27

My first term as a non-profit board member ends on March 31. Two years ago, I was invited to stand for the board of the Society of Information Risk Analysts – SIRA. It's a US-based membership association for cyber security folk interested in the more rigorous methodologies used in the broader risk management profession.

During my tenure, I took care of administrative initiatives such as acquiring our directors and officers insurance, choosing a membership management platform (we went with WildApricot, which has so far done the job). I also hit upon the idea of surveying our membership of our annual conference during the first year of my tenure. But the day-to-day job was managing the membership, and while that's largely a thankless succession of answering member questions, producing stats, and dealing with membership fees, it exposed me to the broad member base in a way that little else would.

While the pressures on my time have become too great for me to carry on with the role, the rest of the board is also seeking a refresh and as such we're looking for new blood. Any SIRA members are asked to step forward if they'd like a role in the next board.

rand()m quote

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

—John F. Kennedy