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hello, October's shoes

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.01.21

Mari realized that the shoes we ordered from the US back in October hadn't come; I called the shop, they'd had them for months. Unfortunately, they hadn't had our correct phone number, and had had my bought-and-paid-for shoes sitting on their shelf this whole time.

It's not easy, being middle aged and incessantly busy.

Bit of a good-news/bad-news rider on this one. The weather was nice enough, here in late January, that I could cycle over and pick up the shoes. The bad news is that my fishing buddy and I have agreed to forgo our ice fishing plans for the first half of the winter. 8(

rand()m quote

Satires which the censor can understand are justly forbidden

—Karl Kraus