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goodbye, little aquarium

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2017.01.06

Friends have taken the smaller of our aquariums - I know it's in good hands with a smart young lad. When we were carrying the many parts (and jugs of water) up to the system's new home, a neighbor told the new eight-year-old owner, "I'm going to get you some fish!" To which the boy responded, "Actually, it's best if we wait for five weeks before adding anything else. That way the aquarium can stabilize. Also, it's a small aquarium so it can't support too many more fish."

Which was the perfect answer.

rand()m quote

Well, someone once told me that life is divided in three parts: at first, you have time and inclination but lack money. Then, you have money and inclination but lack time. Finally, you have money and time but lack inclination. :-)

Andreas Plath