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Kids' sports day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2016.09.25

The Boy had his first tennis lesson of the Autumn, today. He'd taken a week of classes during the summer, but today was a 90 minute session under a pressurized dome on Danforth Road.

While he was doing that, I took Mari to the subway so she could go downtown for some drinks with friends in a delayed celebration of her fortieth birthday.

Then it was just The Girl and I, so we practiced The Girl's riding in the parking lot of the tennis (and soccer) dome-bubble. The Girl's only had two brief lessons, but at the end of the second one she was able to ride freely on her own for all of two meters.

When The Boy's lesson was done, we went home, and then gathered up everything to go fishing (the kids' idea). It was The Girl's turn to catch the fish today, as we'd gone to the (not so old) fishing hole that The Boy had recommended for that very reason. She caught two little sunfish, and I caught a bass that had a bit of meat on it.

We cycled home with a cool Autumn wind in our faces, The Boy on his bike way out in the lead, The Girl singing incessantly in her trailer.

It was a fine day.

rand()m quote

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

—George Orwell