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movie review - Dredd

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2016.05.23

I wanted an action flick, and this appeared on a streaming service. It's about a "judge" in a Crap Sack dystopian future (is there any other kind, 21st Century?) who uses the awesome powers of Lawful Stupid to judge, sentence, and execute on the spot. The starring actor never once shows his face as he's wearing a helmet. He also never veers from his Lawful Stupid agenda, except finally when he must make a call to judge his rookie partner (awwww).

The story's quite straightforward. There is non-stop gunfire in the siege of a massive apartment complex that's been taken over by an implausible drug-dealing gang with limitless mooks to throw at the judge and his telepath rookie partner (played by a young lady far too comely to hide behind a helmet). I have to say that it is both well made and not entirely stupid. I was in fact happily surprised that it avoided the sort of '80s over the top excess and also the '90s-naughties "Grimdark". The world-building is clever, avoiding exposition but letting it be clear that this is a world without hope, clinging to "order" to survive.

I enjoyed it, it hit the right note.


rand()m quote

Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes.

—Steve Martin