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a slow start to Toronto fishing

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2015.09.07

I have gone on eight separate fishing trips around the city, and not caught a thing. And I'm not alone; I've spoken with a number of other anglers who have complained not only about the past couple of months but the entire year.

My son's bucked the trend, of course – he caught something. But it was just a round goby. One acquaintance I've made this week, out on the water, gave up and ran down to Dunville where the Grand River approaches Lake Erie, and caught seven fish in four hours.

rand()m quote

The point isn't revenge. It is justice. Revenge is like a wave that washes up on shore - it always washes back out again. Justice is like the shore - it's still there after the wave comes and goes.

—commenter "JP" on a Rolling Stone article about the crooks running Wall Street