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ice fishing, 34 below

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Lake Simcoe, 2015.02.16

Today The Boy and I went ice fishing with Richard and his son. Everyone caught some perch except for Richard, the hands-down most experienced fisherman among us. As we passed through a low point on our way up, I glanced at the dashboard and saw -34oC. It could have been thirty degrees warmer, and we could still have been ice fishing. Brr - by 15 degrees, it was the coldest day I've seen in Ontario.

But we had a great time. In fact, keeping cool was more of a problem than being too cold. Until I accidentally knocked out the little Coleman stove, heh heh.

rand()m quote

I think natural selection must have greatly rewarded the ability to reassure oneself in a crisis with complete bullshit.

—Bob Harris