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stupidity again today

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2014.08.28

Today a restauranteur distinguished himself when I tried to pay with a credit card at his cash-only spot; he let me go. The place was Pho Hung, and I have eaten there on several occasions; today was the first time I blundered in without sufficient means to pay. After the fellow let me escape with a simple smile and a wave of his hand, I bolted to the office, cleaned out the $15 in my wallet, and bolted back, all within about fifteen minutes. Hooray for someone who knows how to run a restaurant. I'm certainly encouraged to return.

Unlike, for instance, the fellow at Thai Princess on King, where I've eaten about fifty times but the guy went berserk when I left my credit card at the office (across the street). Ass! I've since found better Thai elsewhere, how does that suit you?

P.S. Thank you bike, that must have been a confusing noon hour but you performed perfectly.

rand()m quote

The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

—Marcus Tullius Cicero