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a day of fishing on center island

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2014.07.06

We spent the day on center island again, this time for a day of fishing. We turned up, were presented with some free fishing equipment and bait, and were set loose on the island. The Boy and I set up in a spot I (wrongly) thought looked might be productive, and spent a few hours wrestling with the gear, which turned out (not surprisingly, in hindsight) to be a bit on the cheap side. But no matter, it's the company that matters (sadly, I spent a fair bit of the first few minutes nagging The Boy about all of the safety stuff he'd forgotten; and when I mean forgotten, he simply had no recollection at all).

Mari and The Girl visited with some friends (a young lady from The Boy's class who seems rather taken with the boy was there with her brother and mum) and entertaining The Girl. Happily, The Girl's turned over something of a new leaf and is no longer the incessantly whiny and put-out kid she was for nearly her first to full years. Nowadays she plays nicely with other kids and is willing and able to run around and enjoy herself. Yay, The Girl!

It was another day on the bikes, as well, and The Boy made the trip much more smoothly and quickly with his new bike. He's really enjoying it and volunteers that fact from time to time. Mari's was having a few problems, however, and one or two of these were beyond my ability. As it happened, I had an appointment to have my bike tuned at the shop this evening, so I took hers in instead.

rand()m quote

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.

—Matsuo Basho