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car wax on a bike

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2014.06.23

It's not usual that I meet someone who towers over me, but one such giant taught me that you can use car wax on a bike. He and I met at the bike shop where I was picking up Ken's new bike. He stood around 6'7" or maybe 6'8", and his bike frame was enormous. I asked him where he got it, and he told me that it was 30+ years old. I asked him why the paint looked brand new, and he told me that he waxes the thing with car wax. As opposed to mine, which despite being only two years old has some rust.

So today I stopped on the way home (it was raining anyway) and picked up some of the stuff. And with that, more than 35 years of abusing my bike frames has come to an end.

rand()m quote

Software Industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems.

—-Duncan Simpson