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opa's vengeance is complete

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.09.07

Opa and Oma presented the kids with some gifts last night. A small pull-toy dog that runs on wheels for The Girl, and a recorder for The Boy. The dog makes a small barking sound as it rolls, and The Girl's taken to imitating this. So now we've got the atonal sing-song sounds of a recorder, and the barking sounds and The Girl's accompanying "how-how-how" sounds to fill our days. This after Opa confessed to Mari that he used to take the "noise makers" out of the toys people gave us.

It's a noisy home, but nice.

rand()m quote

Specialization is for insects - you've got one life, do everything you want to do.

—Naval Ravikant