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the fate of smart kids

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.05.28

Ken plays with a boy down the street who is shunned by all of the other kids because he reads at a high level (at this point, he's a year and a half ahead). Our Ken's his only friend.

Mari said, "In Japan he'd be the class hero." I said, "You ever notice how Lisa Simpson and Martin Prince in 'The Simpsons' are treated??" I then told her that both my brother and I were put into (different) "gifted" programs because we weren't fitting with the environment and the schools had these programs back in the 70's because the pattern had long ago emerged. She's appalled.

(She's also stunned at the antics of our Mayor, but then who isn't.)

rand()m quote

The way I see life, it's like we're all flying on the Hindenburg, why fight over the window seats?

—Richard Jeni