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Wordpress and nginx

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.05.27

So it turns out that the good folks that produce WordPress have done some naughty hard-coding of $_SERVER variables in their product. This means that if you're parking WordPress (e.g. under Apache/PHP) behind an nginx server, all of the references in the admin area to the local webserver will break. I don't know why, but this took me a full hour or so to track down. The offending bits use "$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']". Madness.

I simply added this proxy headers to my nginx server, and all was well:

proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

I suppose the real moral of the story is that subdomains don't pick up the parent domain's proxy settings, but that would have required some thinking. Rrrr!

rand()m quote

...and when you try to get some, it surely can be hard. There's always trouble waiting, when you leave your own back yard.

—Motorhead, Lost Johnny (lyrics by Mick Farren)