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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2013.01.10

On Sunday conditions were perfect for snowmen, we made a bunch of big ones, rolling up the ever-so-slightly wet snow so easily that it left bare patches of green grass. Monday was too cold to spend much time outside, and all of the snow had turned to ice. Which then melted yesterday. I cycled to work today on mostly dry streets. A warm front's coming in, it will be 8ºC tomorrow and 11ºC on Saturday and rain the whole time. Monday to Wednesday, it will "feel like -6ºC". So, everything's "new normal" here in Toronto where we used to have a solid Winter that began, stayed cold, and then ended.

(And did not lead into a six fog/drizzle/cloud rainy season; we used to have a real Spring as well.)

rand()m quote

Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.

—George Carlin