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111.6cm and growing

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.09.22

The boy now towers over his classmates in his weekend Japanese school. I assume it's (largely) the same in his normal class, but it's at the point where he's the same height as kids two rows back from him at assembly (which I assume means six year olds). We measured him today, and he's up to 111.6cm. That's well over a centimeter more than he was in early August, just 5-6 weeks ago.

I've told him "No more vegetables and fish and milk for you, it's nothing but white rice, cola, and chocolate."

To which he said, "If you do that, I'm going to fart on you and put ketchup in your hair."

So we have a stand-off.

Meanwhile, The Girl is barely able to fit into clothes designed twelve-month-old babies. She still can't sit up (she's only 4 1/2 months old) but she barely fits in the bassinet thing where we change her.

rand()m quote

My job has convinced me that life is a stale joke with no punch line.

—Scott Adams, Dilbert