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african lion safari

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

St. Catharines, 2012.08.07

Today we had a fantastic time with the kids at an outdoor zoo that encourages you to drive through various game reserves.

It's called "African Lion Safari" and it exists out in the sticks to the north of Hamilton. We took one of the zoo's buses instead of risking a rental car being stripped of rubber and chrome by the baboons.

After the tour, we did the train ride and the boat ride and the three animal shows and gods only know what else. Then we decided to take another tour with the rental car after all because we'd learned of the baboon bypass that would keep the vandals off the car. It was after five and the lighting was great and because it was a Tuesday we had the place much to ourselves. An amazing end to the day.

After that we went to SOSA and watched some gliders land and be taken away. It was the first time for both Mari and Kenny.

They no longer have tigers at the zoo as they did in the mid eighties when my brother and I went with my grandfather, but in a sad turn of events (in the mid nineties) a stripper and her out of work musician boyfriend had decided to roll down the windows and start feeding the tigers and were so badly mauled that they both suffered injuries that prevented them from working. In the ensuing lawsuit, the zoo paid out $2.5M and I suppose they sold off the tigers.

rand()m quote

There are some things you can't learn from others. You have to pass through the fire.

—Norman Douglas