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beautiful picnic

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.07.24

Another perfect summer day, another perfect picnic.

This time we brought together our friends from Japan with some new Toronto friends (one of whom is also from Japan). Once in a while, the weather in Toronto in the summer really does get as good as you picture "summer" when it's November. Warm and sunny with fluffy little cumulus and a gentle breeze.

P.S. Henry David Thoreau said, "Beware any endeavor that requires a new set of clothes". This wedding of my cousin's has now involved me getting a(n overdue) haircut, and I have to get a new shirt and tie because it's "black tie optional" where the "optional" is silent. Dum dum dum dummm! I jest, I jest.

On the way to the picnic I stopped at a liquor store to buy some gluten-free "beer". It was in the old Maple Leaf Gardens building. My first time to enter the thing, and it was beer related. Well, that's fitting I suppose.

rand()m quote

If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman: she will be all ears.

—Sigmund Freud