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five old cameras

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

St. Catharines, 2012.05.13

We've been helping the family move my step-grandmother out of her condo and into a seniors residence; I've inherited some cameras.

Five of them. One's just a disposable film camera from the late 90's, and I shan't be shooting it. But the rest are an amusing set of point and shoots that I'm going to tinker with. One in particular shows interest; a Konica C35-AF2, one of the world's first autofocus cameras. The AF is broken but I think I'll keep as a curio. I might carry around the 3MP Fuji P&S digital that was among the set.

rand()m quote

There's always something to keep you humble.

—Dr. Kenneth M. Johnston (1920 - 1999)