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socializing again

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.04.14

It's been a while since we had a get-together with friends, but today we hosted a couple and their two boys.

It's funny when you meet people with similar tastes across a wide range of things. In this case, while we were assembling a vintage crib they'd loaned us, the Daddy noticed that we have the same dresser as them. Then it turned out that the (German-born) Mutti and I have the same old film camera (Minolta X-700). We talked about immigrant stuff (the wives) and retraining for mid-career changes (the husbands). We discovered that neither family has a TV. And while they've beaten us to buying their first car, they're already in their mid-thirties and are avid cyclists.

Except for one couple, all of our friends these days have kids. Kids or not, it seems that all of our friends are made up of couples who are at least one part immigrant.

rand()m quote

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may contract a horrible skin disease

—-Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson)