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sir spam-a-lot

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.04.02

I have a friend who calls me "Sir Spam-a-lot" because of the odd outburst of "spam" on Facebook I cause.

These are created by breakdowns of Facebook's RSS reader feeding from my website. I've since given up even trying to get around the problems there.

Today I once again caused a spam outbreak. But today's spam outburst was something new—it came from my email client. I'd discovered that my mail service provider had made a change to their configuration without telling me, and that this was causing mail on one of my PC's to back up unset. When I corrected the client's configuration, 25 emails went out.

Sorry, everyone!

rand()m quote

A good plan now is better than a perfect plan later.

—-George Patton