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Mmmm, gluten-free beer that's okay...

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.03.06

For my birthday, I treated myself to the "gourmet" burger place across the street, which turns out to have a gluten free beer.

And it turns out that that beer was actually quite good. Much to my .. astonishment I think would be the best word. My previous encounters with gluten free beer were not happy. The one I had at lunch was made with sorghum and so is the one (from Milwakee, for some reason) I found in the LCBO. And six bottles fits nicely in my smallest backpack. I'm all set for this 42nd birth anniversary (zero count). I can brace myself for yakudoshi.

Been a while since I drank on a weekday. I'd forgotten how looped I get on beer.

Three good things that happened today:

1. Turning 41 is rather painless, I find

2. It's sunny

3. Everything seems to be going eerily well at the moment

rand()m quote

Work is about a daily search for meaning as well as daily bread; for recognition as well as cash; for astonishment rather than torpor; in short for a sort of life, rather than a monday-to-friday sort of dying.

— Studs Terkel