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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.01.02

Last night we went to a great Indian restqurant in the Beaches called Delhi Cafe.

Navigating the intertubes with m new Kindle I found thepromising entry in one of the countless restaurant portal sites. Happily I can report that it exceeded the reports and really blew us away. Very worth the trek out to very nearly the east end of Queen street.

rand()m quote

For a long time I was very bitter that the people who controlled the means of anybody ever hearing my songs were never gonna play them. They only favored music that I specifically and particularly hated, and I wanted them dead. Suddenly, there was another avenue. I started hearing my stuff coming out of bars and then it started to happen little by little -- a movie song here or a TV ad there.

—Iggy Pop