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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, 2012.12.27

I love explaining photography stuff to people just getting into the game. This week I've had the good fortune to review the camera that my father-in-law bought. It's a Fuji "ultrazoom" with a teensy sensor but I have to say I was impressed. The capability that I thought worth exploring with him was the exposure compensation control. Through some simple experimentation he got it immediately of course, and has been using it and exclaiming on the results. Hooray!

Now I have to find him a decent polarizing filter that won't cost a fortune. Not sure that such a thing exists.

rand()m quote

I have found that evil usually triumphs, unless good is very, very careful.

—"Bones" McCoy