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quiz results all over the place—not confident

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

St. Catharines, 2012.12.01

It's been a busy twenty-four hours.

I wrote a practice quiz last night and got 57%. 57%! I wrote a second one on the interminable TTC commute home (only on the TTC could delays allow you to write a forty-question practice quiz on internal audit standards on a one-way, eleven-kilometer commute) and got 93% (albeit in a different area, but still one where my results hadn't been good enough). Then this morning I did a second set of questions in the same area as the first 57% bomb and got .. 93%. It seems I learned something from my revision after the first blow-out.

In the morning, Mari took the kids to The Boy's school (I was writing one of those quizzes). I also found time to pick up a car and then collect the family so we could take The Boy to a friend's birthday party at the bowling lanes. Leaving The Boy there for the meal/party portion of the event, we hurriedly did some grocery shopping and then got back for the last bit of The Boy's actual bowling. He seemed to enjoy it.

Then it was home again for a quick final packing, and off to Grandma's so she could see the kids before their upcoming month-long trip to Japan.

A tad tiring, this simultaneous studying, work, and parenting.

rand()m quote

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

—Winston Churchill