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I feel safe in .. well, the Beaches

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.10.29

Say what you will about the Beaches, it's one of the safest areas in the city - according to this interactive map anyway.

Note that the Bay street corridor downtown is both the hot-spot for murder and for "crime above $5,000". There are a lot of banks, ha-ha.

The relative safety of the place doesn't come without a few hiccups. A mum in the neighbourhood sent 'round an email about an angry woman on the street striking at some small children. And then last night someone was on the street hollering about her car. When our downstairs neighbour called to her to see if she needed help (which is what happens when you stand in the street shouting for the police) the woman came into our building and started to demand to know "who'd hit her car".

(Safe or not, I guess it's not a place you want to park.)

rand()m quote

The disordered society is full of loyal patriots

— Lao Tsu