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more camera porn

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.09.18

My camera-buying days are over for the time being. As I've been obsessively documenting in this journal, I'm plowing it all into education right now (if there were two of me, I'd be taking more courses). And today's most interesting camera, while exactly what I've been waiting for, is more than the entire certification process I'm going through, and that's just with a single lens.

This summer, I spent $80 on replacing an old and worn lens that suffered from my having dropped it the first day I took Kenny out of the home way back when (it was drop him or drop the camera) and lucked into a mint-condition sample. It's all I'll spend on camera equipment until our financial situation changes drastically.

But wait. What's this! A $6,000 camera that would shame Liberace? Could I have been wrong with all I wrote above?
well, maybe not *shame* Liberace...

Though obviously a thing of beauty, it seems to have its imitators and detractors. Some have said that it's "oil sheik" garish.

P.S. The rear view of the camera is not to be missed. Is it even stable when you set it down?

rand()m quote

In times like these it is difficult not to write satire
