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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2012.03.13

I dislike buying things through classified ads, and that did not change this week.

Last night I called someone from who was selling an infant's stroller at a great price. She agreed to a time, and I made my plans to visit deepest, darkest Miserysauga to make the purchase. I told her that I'd confirm with her before I left, and when I did that this afternoon, she told me that she'd arranged for someone else to come and see it half an hour prior to the time she'd arranged with me.

I told her I wouldn't bother to come see it.

But she wanted a hedge, and told me that she'd "text me" if the other buyer didn't take it.

She didn't. I wasn't surprised.

I dislike buying things through the classifieds.

We're looking for a "Joovy" brand "Caboose" stroller. I don't know that the good folk at "Joovy" know what that word has always meant in North American English.

rand()m quote

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

—George Bernard Shaw