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week of TTC (day one)

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.11.14

My backlog of reading is so severe that I'm taking transit this week instead of riding my bike; today the driver was a "ringer".

He'd ring his bell and honk his horn constantly. And not just when he wanted someone out of his way or to scold a car that had passed while the doors were open. I mean: constantly. Hit the accelerator: honk/chime. Brake: honk/chime. Approach a stop: honk/chime. Start up again at a green light: honk/chime. It was maddening. Naturally, he also blasted away whenever a light turned green in front of a car that was stopped in front of him. No matter that that car was behind seven other cars - it was honking time!

Guess you have to keep your hands busy when you're operating two foot pedals.

rand()m quote

Though defensive violence will always be a sad necessity in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.

—St. Augustine