journal features
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making changes to this site

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.09.30

I've put a password restriction on this website to make it private. I reckon that sooner or later, Kenny's not going to want his peers reading about the time he peed on his own face as an infant, etc etc. That means no more Facebook and twitter updates, too—everyone has to come directly to the URL to see what's going on here.

I've also reinstated a feature in the "journal" area that lists all of the old posts. They're now broken down by month.

I'm also thinking of changing the colour scheme a bit. In truth, I never liked the "Kentuky Ken" theme as much as the "Made in Taiwan" version. But who knows, in the long run I might move it to a different format altogether.

rand()m quote

Ambition is the enemy of man. It stunts his ability to simplify the day. It is in simplicity we find peace.

—Allan Watts